About me

Welcome to my page! I'm Evangelos and my passion to help people in a practical way, led me to become a certified Hypnotherapist and RTT® Therapist (Rapid Transformational Therapy®).

Before my story...A realisation

I was always fascinated by the fact that every single person lives in their own reality. These realities can be so different and include all kinds of emotions, self-beliefs, situations and problems, even when two people seem to have similar experiences in life.

When seeing the different problems that people face, it only made sense to me that we shape our reality, and if we have the power to shape it, we have the power to change it. That thought was always stuck with me.

“Declare the past, diagnose the present, foretell the future.”


The above quote means: "Research how you lived in the past, identify how you live today, and you can predict your health in the future".

My story

On the surface I was happy, but growing up as an introverted child which then became a gay person, who is also very spiritual (but not religious), I always felt different and trapped in a religious country with few options, which didn't really accept different people (especially in the '90s). 

That made me pass through many stages of changing and self-realisation. 

I was not following my true purpose, I was not honest with myself.

Initially I graduated from Computer Science and left Greece to live in Spain.

My friends admired me for my decisiveness, but the truth was that professionally I went through a path which offered me security instead of happiness.

Then I took a first step.

Being always interested in psychology, holistic health and helping people, and reading numerous books and doing numerous courses, I got certified as a Reiki Master & Teacher (accredited by "Alianza Española de Reiki"). 

For years I worked two jobs, my normal day job, and also performing Reiki Healing on people as well as passing this skill of energy healing to other people by providing accredited certifications.

Working on others helped me work more on myself and showed that this is the start of an infinite number of possibilities of how I can help people. 

It also made me realise that despite my love for Reiki, I needed to find a method that works with the mind and soul in a more direct way, a method which is solution oriented. 

I knew that I needed to help people with very specific issues, by finding the exact root cause of the issue and facilitate deep change which goes beyond comforting.

Then everything kept becoming worse.

This choice of security over happiness, which was nothing more than the fear of survival, was translated in my life as:

Then the big decision and transformation came to my life.

In the past I had experience with Hypnotherapy, which only enforced the belief described in my first paragraph; we live in our own realities, which we shape and change!

So I decided that the right time had come for me to delve into that world and learn more about the subconscious mind and how to access it, in order to heal it.

Then I discovered Marisa Peer, a world-renowned therapist, known for creating her own hybrid method of Hypnotherapy which can offer deep and lasting results, by working directly on the root cause people's issues, the "beginning of the domino falling" as I like to call it!

This method is called Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®) and it's a hybrid method based on Neuroscience, which combines the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

I enrolled to the official Marisa Peer school and I had the privilege to be trained by her in-person, and graduate as a therapist of what is probably the best therapy available today!

During that time I was able to remove layers of trauma and inner blockages from myself, which helped me believe in me, knowing that I am enough, and believe in my abilities and just go for it.

Also working on my health was very important for me, because even if I was eating well and working out, my mind which is the central control panel of my body, was often giving different commands. My spine issue returned a while before I start my RTT® studies. After 3 months of physiotherapy and medicine, I decided to have an RTT® session to find the root cause of this, because I knew that my mind was doing something wrong. Having one session I was able to understand the reason of this, why it was created in my mind when I was just 5 years old, and set it free. Next morning I wake up and it was the first day in 3 months that I woke up pain free!

🟢 Since graduating, I have been certified in more types of Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis, to make sure that I have all the tools and resources to help my clients transform their lifes, and I'm happily working as a Hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapist.

🟢 I have helped numerous clients by showing them how to effectively remove layers of limiting beliefs, feelings, ideas and unwanted habits that were never theirs, in order to connect with their true authentic self.

🟢 Also, I have delved into specialising in the areas of Trauma, Emotional Abuse and (C)PTSD, and understanding how to support my clients who want to be free from past issues and live life to the fullest. 

My credentials (for transparency)

I have also read numerous books and taken various courses and webinars which I cannot list, because it would be too long.

If any of my experiences or my energy resonate with you, I will be more than happy to have a free call with you, talk about what you need, and create for you a personalised offer for overcoming your inner blockages and finally be free to reach your true potential.