Frequently Asked Questions

What is RTT® Therapy? Is it similar to Hypnotherapy?

Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®), created by the renowned Marisa Peer, is an innovative and award-winning therapy system recognised worldwide. 

Think of it as the latest and most advanced form of Hypnotherapy, combining wisdom with science.

✅ It seamlessly blends the best aspects of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP, CBT, and Neuroscience, to craft a truly transformative experience. 

By delving deep into the root cause of an issue, and not just working with the symptoms, RTT® equips individuals with the insights and tools to reframe their past, break free from limiting beliefs, and foster lasting, positive change in their lives. Because reacting different means feeling different.

By integrating Rapid Techniques with Clinical Hypnosis, clients often experience life-changing results in just 1-3 sessions.

I was certified as an RTT® Therapist by Marisa Peer herself in the UK.

If you want more information about RTT®, please read What is RTT® and The Science of Neuroplasticity.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Basic key points of traditional hypnotherapy:

Are you a Hypnotherapist or RTT® Therapist? What do you practice?

I am both a certified Hypnotherapist and RTT® Therapist.

I'm also a Trauma-Informed Coach and an accredited Reiki Master/Teacher.

Drawing on my knowledge and certifications, I design personalised therapy programmes that blend Hypnotherapy and RTT® for powerful, life-changing results. Each programme is uniquely tailored to the individual, ensuring maximum success and rapid transformation.

What does hypnosis feel like?

Hypnosis is nothing like what you've seen in movies. 

Entering a hypnotic state is deeply relaxing, much like other types of meditation. Throughout the session, you remain fully aware of your surroundings, the memories you are revisiting, and the information you are sharing. You are not asleep, you are just relaxed. 

The best part is that you have more control than what you would normally have, because you can access feelings and information and perform the changes that you want in your subconscious mind.

Although hypnosis increases your suggestibility, it's crucial to understand that you retain full control and will only accept suggestions that align with your goals, such as adopting healthy habits, losing weight, or boosting your confidence in speaking. 

And, you will recall everything from the session.

What issues do you work with?

To see the types of issues that I address, please check My Expertise.

Will this work in my case?

Our brain is powerful, it manifests what we believe about ourselves, and we have the power to choose what we believe and what we are open to.

If you believe that this will not work for you, then it won't.

But if you are open to:

What kind of transformations have your clients achieved?

Examples of the transformations my clients have achieved include overcoming depression or anxiety, quitting drinking or smoking, and embracing self-acceptance. These are just a few of the positive changes people have experienced.

Each client is incredibly important to me, and I dedicate a significant amount of time and resources to ensure the best possible outcome.

This commitment is reflected in my high success rate, as you can see in my Client Testimonials

What can I expect during the sessions and how long do they last?

To understand what to expect before, during and after a session please see what I've written in About the Process.

Do you offer online or in-person sessions? Which is better?

I do both, and the result is exactly the same. For people who want in-person sessions I'm based in Barcelona Spain.

In my opinion, Online sessions are better for the following reasons:

What are your fees?

The final price depends on your goals and history, because I always suggest a personalised approach based on each client's needs. So this is defined in the Free Consultation Call.

But when dividing the final price per hours, the rate is very logical compared to other therapies that charge per hour. And because of the depth of what I do, the work done can be equivalent to months or years of therapy, and that is the transformative power of it. 

So in the end, when comparing to traditional therapy or traditional hypnotherapy, you are saving money and time.

How many sessions will I need?

As this is a personalised approach, the number of sessions is defined in the Free Consultation Call.

It is different for everyone, but most clients experience life-changing results in just 1-3 sessions. It's important to note that after each session there is a transformation period of 3-4 weeks.

What languages do you speak?

I'm fluent in English, Spanish and Greek and I give sessions in those languages.

How can I learn more about you?

You can read the About me section, or check my Contact info to follow me in social media.

Is there confidentiality?

I take confidentiality very seriously in my practice, and I have a set of rules and procedures for protecting your data and personal information, either if you decide to work with me or not.

For more details, I have a Privacy Policy in place.