Issues I can help you with

As a therapist, I always work with the root cause of an issue, because the problem identified is usually just the symptom.


Low Confidence & Self-Esteem

A baby coming into this world will always feel good enough. Babies will scream and cry, because they know that they deserve attention. Do you feel that you lost this confidence during the path of your life? Or that maybe the confidence is suppressed by ideas and beliefs that are not yours? Do you feel that no matter what you do, your inner thoughts do not help you reach your goals? Or have you been diagnosed with Imposter Syndrome? Discover and regrow your inner confidence, build solid self-esteem and embrace your true value. 

Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety does not just happen to people, it happens to them because they have a self-belief. For example, does your heart rate increase when not having the control of certain situations? Or do you belief that you always need to be perfect and as a result you are stressed or get panic attacks? Unearth a sense of tranquility and live a life free from anxiety and unresolved trauma. By creating a safe and trusting environment, I aim to help you solve your issues in the root cause and discover lasting peace and wellbeing.


Trauma & (C)PTSD

Have you experienced a traumatic event or abuse, and even if you worked on it through the years, you feel that something is still holding you back? Have you been diagnosed with OCD or PTSD? Do you find yourself thinking "what if", or feeling that you have trapped feelings and anger? You are not your symptoms, and your symptoms do not appear because of what happened to you, but because of the self-belief that was installed to you. By creating a safe and trusting environment, I am here to help you find your strength and finally move on.


Fears & Phobias

Does the fear control you, or do you control the fear? It is ok to be afraid, but when a fear controls our life, this could be a problem. Escape the hold of fears and phobias. With targeted methods, we will explore the origins of your fears, understand why is the fear maintained in your body, reshape negative thinking patterns, and equip you to face and defeat your fears, enabling you to lead a life filled with bravery and liberation.


Do you feel that the same pattern keeps happening in your relationships? You know that somehow this is connected to your beliefs and your actions, but you can't identify the reason. Elevate your relationships and nurture meaningful connections. My goal is to provide clarity, facilitate healing from past hurts, and promote harmonious and rewarding relationships with both yourself and others.

Addictions & Unwanted Habits

Do you have a habit which you want to stop, but for some reason you can't, or you always end up going back to it? Gain control over unwanted habits like smoking, drinking, gambling or even less "serious" habits such as biting nails, etc. Through specialized approaches, we will address the underlying causes of your behaviors, transform harmful patterns, and empower you to break free from these patterns.


Food & Body Image

Is your relationship with food balanced? Do you feel that food might compansate for bad feelings in your life? Nurture a positive connection with your body and foster healthy eating habits with my personalized sessions. By delving into emotional triggers and instructing your mind towards lasting lifestyle adjustments, I aim to support you in achieving your desired weight goals and embracing a happier, healthier version of yourself.


Money Blocks & Abundance

Do you feel that success and abundance is available to everyone except you? Discover your financial capabilities and conquer barriers to financial success by targeting your money mindset. Whether you struggle with limiting beliefs, fear of achieving success, or hidden obstacles that are slowing your progress, I will assist you in rewiring your thoughts, fostering a healthy relationship with prosperity, and attaining abundance in your finances.


Physical Health VS Your Mindset

Are you facing a physical issue and you feel that your mindset might be holding you from healing? Experience relief from physical discomfort, promote healing and effectively manage pain. By exploring the mind-body connection, I aim to help you unearth and address the root causes of your health concerns. The innate healer within us, known as the "placebo effect", demonstrates how the brain can command the body to either intensify pain or initiate the healing process.